Dauntless, perpetually-eager, and most likely being followed by his beloved cat, Norman; Davis Sullivan of Benton Middle School is many things, but let us cite one of his leading roles: an inspiration.

Searching for
Not your average fourth-grader, Davis is what many would call something of a visionary. Gazing out at the world around him through a quietly observant, intuitive lens, Davis seeks to explore a wide range of interests and ideas; from video games to the arts, never failing to explore every corner of his creativity; missing not a beat to correct or explain any aspect of these settings in which he has immersed himself, Davis guides us through the details of his leisurely pursuits with ease.
Davis’s curiosity drives him to learn more every single day.

What sets Davis apart from so many, though, is his ability to look past what others may see as just a video game, or just a movie. In fact, some of Davis’s own inspirations aren’t just these types of work, but their designers. When asked about the people he looks up to the most, Davis responded with Scott Cawthon and Mojang, some of the brilliant creators behind his favorite works. To go beyond an artist’s work, to find admiration in not just their creations but their work ethic, their motivations, and the wellspring of their ideas, is the hallmark of a budding aficionado. Note to self: Add ‘how to appreciate talent’ to the growing list of things we stand to learn from Davis.
Davis’s curiosity drives him to learn more every single day, positioning him to flourish in a changing world. While he may find the most fascination in the fantastical realms fighting dragons, exploring other’s imaginations, and solving mysteries surrounding animatronics, he also partakes in both musical and sculptural projects. This interest is something he accredits to his wonderful teachers here in Benton.
Unsurprisingly, Davis’s pastimes are varied and boundless. Beyond the pages of books and watercolor caricatures, Davis has also engaged himself in the equations and formulas of mathematics. When asked, he says that math is his favorite subject; nonchalantly shrugging off any mention of its difficulty with an almost contagious confidence. As a matter of fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find something that Davis doesn’t enjoy. Throughout our talk together, he fires off confirmations of his appreciation for virtually everything we ask him about. Sculpting? You bet. Music? Well, of course. Reading? No doubt about it. A genuine explorer, almost anything you could imagine, and chances are Davis has some level of interest in it. These welcome detours to trailheads unknown are what keeps Davis engaged, and us… on the edge of our seat.
We stand to learn a great many lessons from Davis’s story, and it is clear that a great many adventures await him in the future. Vast universes to explore, sceneries and characters to illustrate, songs and ballads to study, create, and enjoy, clay to be sculpted, and countless other excursions lie ahead. Where boredom is concerned, it is people like Davis that remind us what it means to imagine, to wonder; to remain youthfully engaged.
He’s definitely one to watch. As time unfolds, we can only trust in Davis to continue sharing his infectious enthusiasm for life with the community and the world beyond.